CA API Gateway - Agent Installation steps

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‎11 Jan 2018
12:55 PM
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‎04 Sep 2023
10:18 AM
Hello Folks !
I try found some informations about install Dynatrace on CA API Gateway (Formely Layer 7 Gateway) but I do not found on any place a step by step. Because of that I will provide the steps I did to configure Dynatrace agent on gateway.
Copy your agent installation file to the gateway
Acess you CA Api Gateway shell
Install Dynatrace agent on opt/dynatracexxx/ (xxx is your dynatrace agent version)
change the owner of your folder to gateway user
chown -R gateway:gateway opt/dynatracexxx/
Go to /opt/SecureSpan/Gateway/runtime/etc/profile.d/
and edit
Add the line of Dynatrace as the sample bellow (Need's to be the first line)
# Defines JAVA_HOME, etc
default_java_opts="-server "
if [ ! -f "/etc/sysconfig/network" -o "$(grep "^NETWORKING_IPV6=yes" /etc/sysconfig/network 2>/dev/null)" ]
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts "
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts "
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts -agentpath:/opt/dynatrace/agent/lib64/,server=yourDynatraceColectorServer :YourDynatraceColectorPort"
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 "
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 "
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts -Dcom.l7tech.server.defaultClusterHostname=$(hostname)"
default_java_opts="$default_java_opts -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true"
SSG_JAVA_OPTS="$SSG_JAVA_OPTS $default_java_opts";
unset default_java_opts
if ! echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | /bin/egrep -s "(^|:)$SSG_HOME/runtime/lib($|:)" >/dev/null ; then
Save the file
Back to Gateway menu and select option 2 and 7 press Enter after show the status like this sample bellow
CA API Gateway Status
Node Status = RUNNING
Node Status Timestamp = 2018-01-11 10:46:09
Node Status Since = 2018-01-10 20:33:13
Press [Enter] to continue.
and then select option 2 to restart the Gateway Service
CA API Gateway status options:
1) Stop the CA API Gateway
2) Restart the CA API Gateway
X) Exit menu
Please make a selection:
I hope this steps help
Best Regards
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‎16 Feb 2018 08:38 PM
@Thiago Borges A. This is great. Were you able to see everything within the Gateway?
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‎05 Apr 2018 08:31 PM
Sorry for my delay (Busy days on work)
I can see the entire transaction of my applications and all calls on the gateway
But I have bad news !!!!!
I have one case opened on CA about Garbage Collection.
We think the problem is Dynatrace agent causing GC on Java process of the gateway but we do not have sure yet.
I let you know the results since I finish the case with CA
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‎03 Apr 2018 03:02 PM
Can we see API calls?
We are working on a healthcare opportunity with Accenture. The API gateway is integral to the delivery value chain. Missing it is a huge blind spot to connect the dots between web and app host servers.
Hope to have some guidance from the field of experts. Really appreciate it 🙂

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‎05 Apr 2018 08:35 PM
You can see the entire transaction (Including API Calls) but take a look on my answer to Kenneth before plan install Dynatrace on the gateway.
Since I finish the case and figure out what's happen I let you know the results
By now I do not recommend install Dynatrace on API Gateway because you can avoid GC problems
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‎06 Nov 2018 10:41 AM
Hi Thiago, were you able to solve the GC issue on the CA API gateway?

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‎06 Nov 2018 11:06 AM
Philip Hello,
I'm waiting the CR10 fix for API gateway.
I work with CA to figure out the problem and now I'm just waiting for the fix.
You can as workaround reboot your gateway every 2 days to use Dynatrace.
Check also your estrategy of audit on CA API Gateway to see if you send only audit information's.
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‎02 Dec 2020 04:34 PM
Were you able to resolve the GC issue? How is it performing now? We're looking to install on our Broadcom (CA) Layer 7 API Gateway appliance.
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‎03 Dec 2020 01:37 PM
Just to add elements to the discussion:
from a technical point of view:
if you are on Dynatrace (and not appmon) I did the installation of Oneagent on the Ca Broadcom Api Gateway applaiances and there is no issue with GC; the Layer7 Api Gateway is seen as many other services (meaning that every single api call can be seen as every other web request on other services)
from a "Am I allowed?" point of view:
in 2019 I consulted different sources Broadcom, Dynatrace and the team responsabli for the Ca Api Gat.
The vendor of course will say that they don't test the Dynatrace solution on their product but they'll tell you that you can do it as stated in their doc.(