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Core DNS Monitoring via extension for Cloud platforms.


In a few mouse clicks, enrich your monitoring setup with core DNS:

  1. Dynatrace admin navigates Manage > Dynatrace Hub
  2. Select Core DNS > Add to environment.
  3. Ensure that proper connectivity between env activegates and intended cloud platform endpoint for example http://<container-ip-address>:9153/metrics. and K8s http://<dns-service-ip-address>:9153/metrics.
  4. replace the provided examples with the real info.
  5. enter the configuration parameters and save.
  6. wait ~ 4 - 5 minutes to start monitoring your end points and pull the metrics accordingly.

Compatibility info:

  • CoreDNS 1.0.0 - 1.11.X
  • Starting from Dynatrace OneAgent/ActiveGate version 1.279+
  • Active Prometheus plugin in CoreDNS.


  • The extension collects these latest metric keys as opposed to the deprecated ones.


  • "local deployment" Install Oneagent on the CoreDns servers.

For more info: Core DNS 




Has anyone been able to get this functional, specifically using the local deployment method? I was able to add a netshoot container into the coredns pod and run curl http://localhost:9153/metrics which produces results. This tells me that the metrics are exposed right? I've also confirmed that the OneAgent version we have is 1.299 and via the AWS console I'm seeing coredns version v1.11.1-eksbuild.8.

Here is the configuration I have setup in the extension but I don't see any metrics coming in and the status of the configuration is in Error with nothing to further note the issue. I've also setup the configuration for a scope of the mgmt zone in which this cluster is in so I wouldn't think the scope of the configuration is the issue here.

Anyone know what else I can look at here? I've also have accessed 1 of the underlying nodes where coredns is running to look at the oneagent logs, I don't see anything within /var/log/dynatrace/oneagent/extensions/datasources. Normally the extension if being downloaded would be here right?

I did look into the extensions app (the newer one) and into the configuration health. I'm seeing DATASOURCE_UNSUPPORTED but I don't know how to fix this.



As an update here I got to looking around and found that this seems to need to be enabled at the k8 cluster settings in dynatrace. I enabled it then added these 2 annotations to the coredns pods and I see the metrics now. I'm still seeing DATASOURCE_UNSUPPORTED for the configuration health but I am seeing the metrics, not sure what this DATASOURCE_UNSUPPORTED is and how to fix it. 'true' '9153'



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