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Determine the ActiveGate which is running a given AWS Integration

Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

Use Case: We are interested in knowing exactly which ActiveGate (AG) is being used to integrate with a given AWS Account. There may be multiple AGs deployed within the Environment, all of which could have the AWS Module enabled. Or we could even be running on the Dynatrace provided ActiveGates. The Dynatrace UI is not clear in showing exactly which AWS Connection for a specific Account is running on what ActiveGate.


Solution: We can use Data Explorer to meet the above use case!

  1. Launch the Data Explorer app within the Managed/SaaS Environment
  2. Change the default "Graph" drop-down to be of type "Table"
  3. For the Metric drop-down, select "Active Gate - Aws - Elements - Reported" found under the other category
    1. bsnurka_0-1723140436527.png
  4. For the Split by fields, select "", "aws.account_id", "", "dt.active_gate.working_mode", and ""
    1. bsnurka_1-1723140528250.png
  5. Click "Run query"


(Sections of the screenshot are removed for security purposes)

The resulting Data Explorer table will give us a breakdown of the AWS Account ID, Credential name as set within the Settings > Integrations > AWS, as well as the AG ID and hostname, confirming exactly which AWS Integration is assigned to what AG.

For the "dt.active_gate.working_mode" column, environment would mean that the specific AWS Integration is running on a Customer deployed AG with the AWS Module enabled. Any Integrations running on an "embedded" AG would mean we are using the Dynatrace provided AGs, and would be limited to only monitoring the default AWS Services -



Great information, Thanks Brad

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

This is awesome!

Dynatrace Certified Professional

Dynatrace Enthusiast
Dynatrace Enthusiast

this is exactly what my customer is looking for!

It would be even better if Dynatrace shows this information on the AWS account set up page right there.

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