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PRO TIP - Step by Step guide to set (much the same as) Host Groups in Fargate

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

If you want to monitor AWS Fargate with Dynatrace and deploy OneAgent you have three options according to your scenario:

As you may notice the parameter:


 is not supported in Fargate but for many of us this is a gruesome headache because we use hosts groups for many purposes like assigning membership to MZ's among others.

But the following guide is a step by step solution to resolve this using a workaround.

  1. No matter what option you selected to create the container please add an Enviroment Variable in your dockerfile.







  • As you see in STEP 1 after ENV use DT_CUSTOM_PROP
  • And finally set your Environment Metadata "Host_Group=my_host_group" in my example "HOST_GROUP=AWS-EKS-FARGATE-SWITCH"
  • After this please deploy your Fargate container.
  • If everything goes as expected you will be able to see the Environment custom metadata on your process group

  • Well so far so good, now it's time to add an autotagging rule as follows:

    Please pay attention to the options on the numbers 1 to 8.

  • Well after this your Host(Container),Process Group, Process Group Instances and Services will have the tag from the rule of your (much the same as)"Host_Group" Environment custom metadata.
  • Feel free to add these entities to your MZ.


My main inspiration for writing this PRO TIP is to create a guide based on ideas I saw in another post. This is the guide I wish I had found in the first place for this topic. Using that solution as a base I had to sort and test ideas and adapt to the new interface, I want to thank to @abraham_villega original answer on that post. and to my fellow :dynamight: Jason @ct_27 for contacting me, you were the trigger to start writing.


The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Bookmarked for sure! Thanks @DanielS for sharing this 🙂


DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

also, can they use the native AWS HostGroup tag too?

Dynatrace Certified Professional


I have spent the last few days on this config alone. Thank you so much for posting this!!

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Thank you @DanielS, You totally brightened my day!
See U soon !

Observability consultant - Dynatrace Associate/Pro/Services certified


Hello Daniel,

I had tried to replicate this both by setting the environment variables as you had here both directly in the Dockerfile, and through the task definition for the container in AWS.

I was wondering if this approach worked with ECS on Fargate, or if this only worked with Kubernetes/EKS on Fargate?

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hello @jkt10 I used this approach on both ECS and EKS on Fargate.

The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.

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