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proposed solution for Apache and WebLogic processes that are shown as inactive after Oneagent update


Follow the below steps to make processes show as active after oneagent update instead of rollback to the previous version or uninstall and re-install oneagent from scratch and being subject to process restart.

  1. stop the oneagent service on the deployed hosts.
  2. ensure the following parameter "--set-auto-injection-enabled"= true
  3. adjust the following parameter "--set-auto-injection-enabled"= false
  4. start onagent service, so the oneagent modules won't be injected automatically into the server process 
  5. wait for couple of minutes 
  6. stop the oneagent service on the deployed hosts.
  7. adjust the following parameter again "--set-auto-injection-enabled"= true
  8. start the oneagent service again.
  9. wait couple of minutes and the result will be reflected on Dynatrace UI.




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