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Processes aren't shown after oneagent deployment and process restart


Follow the below steps to make sure the required processes are monitored as expected:

  1. validate from the Dynatrace UI first if these aren't present.
  2. on Dynatrace UI interface, select the target host > settings > host monitoring > advanced settings > process agent injection is enabled 😊
  3. access the server and validate --set-auto-injection-enabled= true 
  4. if not set, configure it.
  5. Recommended to advice server admins: restart the target processes for monitoring.
  6. back to Dynatrace UI, Processes and related services will be present.





I have exactly the discribed situation.
A process which are running on my server. I know that is working well. But no trace under Dynatrace.
I have exactely followed the same steps than described here, but nothing happend. Always no data...
Any idea?


For information I don't see the same behavior on my PROD environment
PROD OneAgent is on version 1.297.58
NON PROD OneAgent with problem is on version 1.297.63

ensure the processes are properly restarted and it should work as expected.

for tracing to avoid broken traces based on the technology enable either one of the following: 


once clicked any of the highlighted options, you will be redirected to oneagent feature to enable it, and almost no restart will be required, you will find required restart "No"

You can ask server admin to stop the oneagent services wait for a few minutes, restart the processes properly and then restart the Oneagent service again it should work.


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

What technology are these unmonitored processes? And is the dev version of these processes the same as the prod version? If in dev you are using the latest and greatest of a technology it may not yet be supported by the OneAgent. You can find technology support here:

My process is a .Net process.

Same code version between Prod and No Prod...

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


It might be Dynatrace does not mark that as important process for some reason.

You can always create Declarative process grouping rules. You can try this configuration in host level.

Keep in mind process should be restarted to apply this configuration.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

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