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setting up cross-environment tracing in Dynatrace.


By configuring a connection between different Dynatrace environments and enabling the response header and coordinated sampling, you can correlate and follow traces across remote environments. 

Prerequisite and procedures:

  • Ensure network communication is properly established between the intended cluster nodes.
  • On the remote environment, create a token with the following scopes:  

Look up a single trace (traces.lookup), Fetch data from a remote environment (RestRequestForwarding)

  • Add remote environment: Settings > integrations > remote environments
  • ensure the cross-environment tracing coordinated sampling is enabled on both environments.
  • ensure W3C trace context gRPC headers are enabled under Settings > Preferences > OneAgent
  • The network scope depends on the remote environment location if it's in the same network "Internal" proxy configurations not required, another network "External" and proxy configurations might be required if present, or at the same cluster "localhost"

For further guidance, feel free to revisit: Cross-environment tracing Configurations 😊


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