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Analysis on MySQL Database


Hello to everyone, 

i have a Database with many data of various tipology. I would monitor the data into the table and inspect text to make correlation.

For example: I have a Database about fault management. In this DB there is a table with events (fault about network), and another tables with issues from customers with keywords.

With Dynatrace, in particular with DAVIS AI Engine, is possible correlate this informations to make a prediction about fault or have an information about an issue on my network?


thanks to all



DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi @GiongiNET,

You can collect infromation from the tabels with your own DB extension. You can find quide line how to start creating.

Custom database extension monitoring & observability | Dynatrace Hub

There is a deprecated version also, you can test it:

Custom Database Queries (deprecated) monitoring & observability | Dynatrace Hub

Based on the collected data you can create metric events for alerting.

I hope it helps.

Best regards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

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