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Can't run VMware EF2 extension because of "High memory usage detected ..."

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

In a very big VMware environment, we are unable to run the EF2 VMware extension.

In the logs, the "High memory usage detected for python datasource running configuration ..." appears.

In the past, I have managed to use different performance profiles to maximize how resources are used by an ActiveGate. In some very special cases, I have also resorted to raising RAM in the AG machines.

In the VMware case, that's what we did with the client. But, it got ridiculous when I had a 32 GB machine, where 28 GB were available, but the message still appeared.

It was then that we noticed that the limit is not a percentage of the machine, but has a fixed limit per configuration, as shown in


So, whatever I would raise the RAM of the machine, it wouldn't help, because the limit is fixed.

I have posted a Product Idea for this at:

But, eventually there might be an undocumented config option for this?

BTW, if you get this "High memory usage detected ..." message, check if this might be happening to you.




Antonio Sousa


Hi @AntonioSousa 

PFA resource for checking on the deployed AG:

Hoping it helps.




DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

The solution to this issue is to get the following entry in extensionsuser.conf


In this case, each monitoring configuration might use 2000 MB

Please beware that you have to make sure that you have sufficient memory in the AG to run it smoothly...


Antonio Sousa

Thanks @AntonioSousa for sharing the shortest solution path.

DynaMight Pro
DynaMight Pro

Hi @AntonioSousa, you use high limits, right? We have been in the same lane with a customer. Actually support informed us that for this type of extension, they strongly advise using a dedicated AG with profile set to Dedicated, which is not documented in the extension itself.
(Ref ActiveGate in Extensions 2.0 concepts — Dynatrace Docs)
I am sure you already went there, but I figured just to mention this, for others who may encounter ESX/VMware extension deployments 😉

Kind regards, Frans Stekelenburg                 Certified Dynatrace Associate |, Dynatrace Partner


I was using Dedicated, but still not enough. It has a 1500 MB limit per configuration. At the moment, one of our VMware monitoring configurations is using more than 3000 MB...

Antonio Sousa

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