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EF2 extension created through Custom Extensions Creator does not come with topology


Hi all,

I am currently using the Custom Extensions Creator tool to convert the DB query from the old extension to the EF2.

However, I have found that the extension created only upload the data to metrics. It does not have any entity created for the extension. So we cannot tag, assign management zone and map alert profile onto that.

Is it possible to include the topology information when the tool generate the extensions?


Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

We're working on a system that will allow you to also edit the yaml file directly in the custom extension creator app, which will allow you to add the topology section. It's not something we can do automatically as it depends on the metric names, and you can enter anything you want in those fields.

For now, create the topology in the UI, it's the "Generic Topology" section of the settings.


Hi @Mike_L, are there any documentation talking about how to add the definition? I have checked the settings and it is rather complex. I am not sure where to start with.

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