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Error: DLL load failed, the specified module cannot be found



I've developed an extension for Ubuntu operative system.

Doing the validation on Pycharm the plugin works and it shows the excepted results. It can be deployed on Windows ActiveGate and on the tenant directly by Pycharm and also manually without any error.


But when I create an endpoint I receive the following error:

Error(DLL load failed: The specified module cannot be found).


I've done the following workarounds to solve the problem without sucess:

  • I've configured python as environment variable
  • I've pasted python3.dll in "bcrypt" directory on ubuntu extension deployed on Windows Active Gate.
  • I've put python3.dll in "bcrypt" directory on ubuntu extension, I've generated the package using"oneagent_build_plugin" command and I've downloaded directly to tenant and Windows Active Gate from PyCharm and also manually.

It's curious for me that on this last workaround I don´t see python3.dll inside bcrypt directory on Active Gate although the package was generated with this library.


When I uploaded the package manually, I restarted the services after doing that.


What could it be wrong?


I've also followed the instructions on this post but it doesn't work.


Thanks in advance.





As I had several python versions on my machines, I've removed all except one (3.6) and I did the package again creating a new env.

But get the error: "Error(11001)"

Does someone know what this error means?


Thanks in advance.



Have a look at the log file of the extension, that one will contain the full error message and the stacktrace.



Hi Mike,

Thanks for your answer.

There is no log on %PROGRAMDATA%\dynatrace\remotepluginmodule\log\remoteplugin.

In fact, "%PROGRAMDATA%\dynatrace\remotepluginmodule\log\" directory doesn´t exist.





Curious, was the AG maybe installed with a different config directory? Could you try to reinstall the AG?


Hi Mike,

I've reinstalled AG and I carry on getting the same error. There is not log file.

I'm going to install AG on linux system and try again.

Thanks for your answer.



If I were you I'd open a support case about the missing logs.

That being said, maybe you could troubleshoot it also without the log? What I usually do when I run into an unexplainable DLL missing exception is to start up Process Monitor by Microsoft and have a look at what file not found messages I see for the remote plugin module. That's not failed me so far.



Hi everyone,


I got fixed the problem and found logs which are in "C:\Users\All Users\dynatrace\remotepluginmodule\log\remoteplugin" directory.

There were several problems:

  • I was using Python 3.8. Active Gate supports Python 3.6
  • Dynatrace wasn´t able to connect to the endpoint using the hostname.

So, I uninstalled Python 3.8 and installed Python 3.6 and generated the plugin again. And I defined the endpoint using the IP instead of the hostname and the plugin is working now.


Thanks all for your comments and your help.



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