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How to develop a remote OneAgent plugin retrieving an Oracle database metrics?


I am developing a oneagent remote plugin which has to be installed on ActiveGate.

I have to retrieve some information from an oracle database whom the host is not monitored by OneAgent :

SELECT name, free_mb, total_mb, (free_mb/total_mb)*100, FROM v$asm_diskgroup;


Firstly, I would like to know what kind entity, metric group to choose in this case :

"entity": "CUSTOM_DEVICE",

"metricGroup": "tech.ORACLE_METRICS",

"technologies": "ORACLE_DB",



Did I need to make a find_single_process_group call ?

(ie: pgi = self.find_single_process_group(pgi_name(attached_process))

pgi_id = pgi.group_instance_id)


Indeed, I am not looking into a particular process. If the answer is yes, is the display method

self.results_builder.absolute(key=key_metrics, value=asm_rate, entity_id=ruxit.api.selectors.EntityType.CUSTOM_DEVICE)

Will be OK?


Best Regards,

Fousseyni B.


Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

Hi Fousseyni,

Yes, you most likely will want to create a "custom device" entity and post the metric there. The metric group you have posted should work as well.

For your second point I am not entirely sure I would need to research the custom ActiveGate plugins a bit more since I have not looked in a while. If I get a chance I will try to follow up again.



Hello Dallas,

Thanks for your answer.

Best Regards,

Fousseyni B.


I try to build my remote agent plugin on my computer. It failed due to CUSTOM_DEVICE.

Here is the output of the command oneagent_build_plugin --no-upload :

File: /etc/init.d/dynatracefunctions not found
Arguments=Namespace(deployment_dir=None, no_cert_ver=False, no_upload=True, plugin_dir='/Users/leanovia/Downloads/Dynatrace/plugin', server=None, token=None, token_file=None, verbose=False)
Starting oneagent_build_plugin
Checking plugin metadata: /Users/leanovia/Downloads/Dynatrace/plugin/plugin.json
Validating plugin.json against schema
Validating plugin.json failed, details: 'CUSTOM_DEVICE' is not one of ['HOST', 'PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE']

Failed validating 'enum' in schema['properties']['entity']:
{'description': 'Entity type upon which the plugin is activated',
'type': 'string'}

On instance['entity']:
Error occured: 'CUSTOM_DEVICE' is not one of ['HOST', 'PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE']

Failed validating 'enum' in schema['properties']['entity']:
{'description': 'Entity type upon which the plugin is activated',
'type': 'string'}

On instance['entity']:

Here is the content of my plugin.json file :


"name": "",

"version": "1.0",

"type": "python",

"entity": "CUSTOM_DEVICE",

"metricGroup": "tech.ORACLE_METRICS",

"technologies": "ORACLE_DB",

"source": {

"package": "oracle_active_plugin",

"className": "RemoteOraclePlugin",

"install_requires": [



"activation": "Remote"


"ui": {

"keymetrics": [{

"key": "databases_asm_disk_usage",

"displayname": "% ASM Usage"


"keycharts": [{

"group": "Disk Usage",

"title": "Total Disk Usage",

"series": [{

"key": "databases_asm_disk_usage",

"displayname": "ASM Disk Usage",

"seriestype": "area",

"color": "#74cff7"




"metrics": [{

"timeseries": {

"key": "databases_asm_disk_usage",

"unit": "Count",

"displayname": "% ASM Disk Usage"



"properties": [{

"key": "oracle_host",

"type": "String"



"key": "oracle_port",

"type": "String"



"key": "oracle_service",

"type": "String"



"key": "oracle_user",

"type": "String"



"key": "oracle_password",

"type": "Password"



"configUI": {

"displayName": "Oracle Connection Paramter",

"properties": [{

"key": "oracle_host",

"displayName": "Oracle host",

"displayOrder": 1



"key": "oracle_port",

"displayName": "Oracle port",

"displayOrder": 2



"key": "oracle_service",

"displayName": "Oracle service SID ",

"displayOrder": 3



"key": "oracle_user",

"displayName": "Oracle username",

"displayOrder": 4



"key": "oracle_password",

"displayName": "Oracle password",

"displayOrder": 5





Best Regards,

Fousseyni B.

It's treating the plugin as a OneAgent plugin due to your naming convention of the name property. Remote plugins needs to have the name: custom.remote.python.[yourname]


Hello Michael L,

Thanks to your response, the error has disappeared.

Best Regards,

Fousseyni B.

Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

In the plugin SDK there is an examples folder, if you start with the "demo_activegate_plugin" in there it will be much easier to create the plugin.


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