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How to display charts in Dynatrace '/#processmetrics;id=PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE' page with JMX Extensions Framework 2.0?

I am trying to migrate my current JMX JSON extension for entity `PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE`.
The `` defined in the json was displayed on '/#processmetrics;id=PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE' page (navigation from '/ui/entity/HOST', then '/#processdetails;id=PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE' and '/#processmetrics;id=PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE' pages).
The VSCode JMX conversion tool now defines a `CHART_GROUP` `detailsInjections` under `entityType` `PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE` which is not displayed on '/#processmetrics;id=PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE' page anymore but instead on '/ui/entity/PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE' page.
  1. Is that the normal behaviour?
  2. How can I still see my chart under '/#processmetrics;id=PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE' page?
  3. If it is not possible, how to navigate to '/ui/entity/PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE' page as the link for Process analysis in '/ui/entity/HOST' page goes to '/#processdetails;id=PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE' page and then the link for Further details goes to '/#processmetrics;id=PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE' page?

Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

It is normal behavior and expected. The /ui/entity/PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE page is the Unified Analysis page which is where we can define charts etc... for generic topology entities in 2.0 extensions. There is no way to affect or display data on that 'classic' process group instance page, that was only possible through 1.0 extensions.

Our Dynatrace-built/supported extensions work the same way. We often include a note about this on how to get to this screen on the Hub pages e.g. Redis via the Metrics and events drill down. The fact that the 'classic' process group instance page is the default still does complicate this but there is no way around it.

Thanks @JamesKitson for the answer. At least I know how to navigate to the Unified Analysis page, which I prefer over the classic one. Do you know if it will become the default navigation from HOST?

This isn't an area where I am involved, but I don't believe so. As of now I have heard that all the screens/layouts/paths in these 'classic' views will stay as-is.

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