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Issue with custom extension creator


Hi Folks,

I have created extension using custom extension creator for getting result of queries and configure alert out of it.

Extension is created and deployed successfully however, it is throwing an error,

Failed to assign monitoring configuration to ActiveGate. Reason: Cannot extract extension from /var/lib/dynatrace/remotepluginmodule/agent/runtime/extensions/download/custom_temp-extension: checking signature failed

Steps followed are,

  1. Install dt-cli
  2. Generate CA cert using dt extension genca --no-ca-passphrase

  3. Generate developer.pem using dt extension generate-developer-pem -o developer.pem --ca-crt ca.pem --ca-key ca.key --name 'JDoe'
  4. Copy ca.pem to /var/lib/dynatrace/remotepluginmodule/agent/conf/certificates on ActiveGate server
  5. Restart the ActiveGate
  6. Add ca.pem to credential vault as public certificate (two options are present, certificate and public certificate)

I went through the community thread but this extension was created using VScode and certificate exported via Visual studio (I used python to export the required certificates)

Is there any step I'm missing here? Please guide.




Hi @AK 

Thanks for sharing such case, I'd suggest checking the following points:

  • Ensure that the Dynatrace ActiveGate process has the necessary read/write permissions on the /var/lib/dynatrace/remotepluginmodule/agent/runtime/extensions directory and its contents.
  • Ensure that the extension is compatible with ActiveGate version, so kindly update the extension and ActiveGate to the latest supported versions.
  • Clear cached extension: through removing any potentially corrupted extension files in case you're suspecting specific files in the extensions directory and attempt to reassign the monitoring configuration. You can achieve this through:

rm -rf /var/lib/dynatrace/remotepluginmodule/agent/runtime/extensions/download/

  • Then reapply the configuration.
  • Regarding the extension signature: ensure it is signed correctly and that the signature is accepted by Dynatrace.
  • Checking and reviewing AG log contents regarding the highlighted error.
  • If you're using AG group, it's preferred to ensure the extension is uploaded to the same directory on both AGs.

Hoping it helps.





Hi @AK ,

Did you sign the extension before uploading to your tenant?



@erh_inetum, thank you for the response.
I'm using feature 'custom extension creator'. Which I think, doesn't require to upload the extension to tenant. Post generating developer.pem and adding ca.pem to cred vault and ActiveGate, we just have to deploy it from the extension creator page itself and it will start showing under hub page as self authored extension.
Adding screenshot below for information.



@Peter_Youssef, thank you for all the useful links. That gave me hint to resolve above mentioned issue.
Restarting EEC (Extension execution controller) did work for me.
I'm using the same AG which were earlier used for another extension. Restarting EEC might have cleared the cache on AG, and it started working.


Hello @AK 

It's my pleasure to contribute together till getting the raised concern sorted, Dynatrace documentation is a crucial pillar in troubleshooting activities.

EEC is playing a critical role specially in extensions.

Thanks for sharing the status update as well.

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