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Kafka offset lag


I am working on creating a JMX plugin for Kafka metrics.

I would like to see the offset lag, per topic, and per partition. I have tried numerous times and am able to create a plugin, using the "records-lag" and "records-lag-max" Confluent metric, where the lag is per topic and per process, but never per topic and per partition, even though the configuration file suggests I can.

jmx plugin.pptx

Dynatrace Certified Professional

Dynatrace Pro
Dynatrace Pro

You will need to download the extension json file (From technologies, Custom Extensions), add the partition dimension to the metric definition, and reupload it.

I can help if you would like to post the extension json file here

I would very much appreciate any assistance. We are in the midst of a major project with a 1/1/21 deliverable.plugin.txt


It's either this or use the "" script with the offset lag output, and then graph it in Excel. We are looking for Kafka throughput for each partition as the "engine" generating the topics and data runs on each partition.

Dynatrace Certified Professional


Hi Bill,

Did you get the solution, I am looking to monitor per-topic metrics but not able to get  


Have you got the solution yet, I am also trying to find the offset lag, per topic, and per partition

Community Team
Community Team

Hi @bill_scheuernst, how has your issue from this thread gone eventually? Have you found some solution? Would be great to have some updates on this subject! 😃

Frequent Guest

Hi, for us the solution was to:

- use a kafka-lag-exporter

- curl it every minute in a file

- transform our file

- use dynatrace_ingest to put it the result in Dynatrace.

With this solution we can split the lag by topic, partition and consumergroup.

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