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RabbitMQ Extension 2.0 related error when connecting to Amazon MQ



I'm facing an error when enabling the extension to connect to the Amazon managed RabbitMQ cluster ..


"Failed to assign monitoring configuration to ActiveGate.

Reason: Python datasource fastcheck error: Exception("Could not connect to any of the nodes in ['']") "


Please advise


Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

I do not work with this extension, but I see that this particular extension is for the Management API which requires having the Management Plugin enabled and then you configure the connection for the Management API not the MQ listener port.

The Management API link shows you where this would be listening so I would check that that is reachable from your ActiveGate.

The port you are using appears to be the ones used for connecting to the queue itself which is not what the extension needs.

It looks like Amazon MQ supports the Management Plugin:

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