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Run "SQL data source" locally on OneAgent

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader


From the extension documentation I read: As of now, only WMI extensions and Prometheus extensions can be run locally. 


And from "The Oracle Database Monitoring Configuration"

I read: "you need to identify the databases you'd like to collect data from and identify the ActiveGates that will execute the extension"

So this means that the "SQL data source" can only be activated on an ActiveGate. 

Does this have any practical reason or is this an implementation limitation?


KR Henk 



Hello @henk_stobbe 

Thanks for raising these points, we have already exposed such scenario where :

  • We had AG group containing the installed AGs to run extensions.
  • These AGs were intended for Oracle DBs monitoring.
  • Once you add the extension to the target monitoring tenant > Select the Ag Group > accept Dynatrace redistribution license agreement for Oracle JDBC Driver.
  • Let's agree it's a limitation in monitoring Oracle DBs or SQL DB through Oneagents deployments but Dynatrace developed the new Oracle Database monitoring extension to deliver an extended level of Oracle DBs insights which actually fascinated the customers.
  • Via the oneagent deployment through the app server which connects to oracle DB server, you will not get the same metrics or insights as what you get from the deployed extension on the AGs in the AG group.
  • From the the app server who initiates communications to Oracle DB server you will get a preliminary insights into the called Oracle Dbs.
  • While having the oracle DB extension installed on 2 or more AGs in AG group at least you will be able to configure a dedicated Oracle dashboard containing 85 - 90 metrics to show the deepest level of insights to Oracle DB team.

Oracle DB monitoring requires configuring one agent features : 

  • Node.js Oracle DB
  • PHP Oracle

Mainly the communications between the AGs and the Oracle DB instances should be conducted properly on port 1521.

You can either configure it through:

  • User name and Password.
  • Connection string.






You're right regarding  WMI extensions and Prometheus extensions can be run locally. 



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