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Challenges with Automatic Log Analysis and Root Cause Detection for AEM on Windows with Dynatrace OneAgent



I am new to APM's and I have tried dynatrace as my first APM or observability tool and have recently installed Dynatrace OneAgent on my Windows machine, where I'm running Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as a Cloud Service SDK. My goal is to monitor my AEM application, identify issues through log analysis, and perform root cause analysis using Dynatrace.

After setting up the OneAgent, I noticed that my AEM instance appears as a process group in Dynatrace. When I navigate to this process group, I can see the associated log files. However, when I click on a log file, I'm taken to the Logs and Events page, where a prepopulated query is generated for the selected log. I have to manually run this query to view the log details.

I am facing a couple of challenges:

  1. No Automatic Root Cause Analysis: I don't see any root cause analysis or problem detection for my logs in the Dynatrace Problems app.

  2. Manual Log Query Execution: I have to manually run the query each time to view log details. This process isn't automated.

To address the first issue, I created a log event that searches for the keyword "ERROR" in the log files. This event does trigger a problem in the Problems app when an error is detected. However, the automatic root cause analysis still doesn't seem to work, and I still need to manually enter the query every time I want to monitor the logs.

Could some one please guide me on how to enable automatic root cause analysis for my logs and automate the log monitoring process without requiring manual query execution each time?

Thank you for your assistance!


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi @navi,

I hope you are on SaaS Grail.

Maybe you can find some useful information from Andi post and maybe reuse it for your purposes:

Log Pattern Analysis with Dynatrace (

Dashboards - Dynatrace Playground - Dynatrace

I hope it helps.

Best regrards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

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