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Breakout Worker Processes by Name?


We have a host with two UI processes within a process group (MAXIMOUI1 and MAXIMOUI2). The worker processes clearly show count of 2, however only UI2 is listed by name. I'd like to be able to monitor both, and if one goes down I need to know which of the 2. (Testing in QA there are only 2, but in production there are 14 so it's much harder to just check them all). Is this possible?




DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

If I got your question right, this should be addressed in OneAgent 1.177 see link here.

Other methods include the setting of the DT_NODE_ID variable (in the WAS process environment settings) or also DT_CLUSTER_ID - if desired. Alternatively, you can write your own process group detection rule - if possible.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

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