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Carbon Impact app and the discovery mode for hosts


Hi all,

I am trying to gain more insights on the carbon impact app in combination with hosts in discovery mode. Do I get all the same functionalities in the carbon app as for full-stack or infra-only hosts?

I have an Azure VM in discovery mode for test purposes and it does appear in the host list of the carbon app and counts towards the calculations. Can I safely assume that no process data is needed and every calculation is performed on host or database level, and hence, there is no added benefit of moving to infra-only or full-stack if I only consider my carbon app metrics/dashboard?

A Dynatrace Professional nerd working for Conclusion Xforce

Dynatrace Participant
Dynatrace Participant

Yes, you are right.

For Carbon Impact app calculations it uses the data available from any oneAgent modes (Discovery, Infra-only and Full-stack): data center location/region, CPU information, and usage metrics (CPU, Memory, Network and Storage IO)

But in case you need to analyze individual components at software level (processes, services, applications), you will require Full-stack mode running DQL in Notebooks/Dashboards.

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