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Databases & Services


Hi Team,

Need help - I have installed OneAgent in full stack mode for 8 servers for 2 different application and created MZ, 

Now for my master dashboard I am not getting all the data as needed, I needed Databases, Services, Process and Host Health Data. 



However, I am looking to get the below data.



How should I troubleshoot this and get the relevant data for DB and service dashboard.



@Peter_Youssef & @HannahM Need Help 🙂


Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

After installing the OneAgent has everything been restarted? Also are you seeing data on the services app? If so when you click into a specific service is it running on the host that you recently installed the OneAgent on? 

Also note if you head into the "Deployment status" page, you will see the OneAgent deployments. Check to make sure that the servers where OneAgent was just installed on don't require process restarts. 

In Deployment status" page, you will see the OneAgent deployments. It dont need any process restarts



From this picture above it looks like the monitoring has been disabled for these services. Are these services the ones you are expecting to see monitored? 

Yes, These are process/services i want to monitor and want to be available on Dashboard. 

I have turn on deep monitor and will restart those services, Can this will also bring the data for my database services ?


I am so confused between process, services and db services.

After installing the OneAgent

Has everything been restarted? = NO

Also are you seeing data on the services app? = No 

Also are you seeing data on the database services app? = No 

No running services on host only Process are running's



Would you be able to share this snapshot again after the process restart is completed.



@KeeganNelson  What should be my next step of actions ?


Services and database services would be discovered when processes are restarted.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

Which processes are needed to be restarted.? As there are 7 host and 100+ processes

For ex below - 




I would say:

  • Check those are pending to be restarted. Dynatrace tells it to you in Status column, and you can review them in Dynatrace Status section as well.
  • Check databases processes, and checks which processses are talking to that database process.

In general I would say application servers + Java / .NET. You can review How database activity is monitored.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

1 Thing i want to understand here:

Correct me if i am wrong  


IF one Agent installed and process detected on host , Service is the (a part of process) small steps to do an action like checking the time.

Now when process restart then only i am able to see the service data if that service is available on that procès, and If that service having any calls to database anywhere in dt that or MZ for that app can be tracked in database service? 


Let me paste an screenshot about database service "chew". This view is backtrace:


That database service was automatically discovered because .NET, Apache and Tomcat processes were restarted and they are living in hosts in Full stack mode.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

I am curious to know what these info icons say next to DOTNET processes.
ALso, are these DOTNET ones calling the database?



Just open tiles and select edit in data explorer and change the required fields like seperate with required tags or host groups and add tagging rules make sure you have put database rule in tagging rules 

This cant be done this is my master dashboard for 100+ applications

I need to find a way to get service and database data on it

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi @Adi_10,

Is it possible to share your MZ rules?

Recommendation from DT to user processes as a base of the MZ in case of services. So services can de added to the MZ via Processes (underlying services and uderlying hosts). 

Despite of the above mentioned resommendation regading database services I also use the method which was mentioned by @AntonPineiro and I always add database services as service to the MZ (with database name or database host name).

Best regards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

I have not restarted any process or my server, Here is my MZ rules @Mizső 



I have rebooted the server as well as services which i want to monitor still I am not getting the data for databases and services.

@Mizső @AntonPineiro @Abidyaseen @RohitBisht 

Help me on this,


However same MZ configuration is working on other server with getting the database and services graphs


Is that server making calls to database for sure? Which database framework is being used? You can see database frameworks supported in Technology support.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

yes for sure its making a call to DB server and using mysql


But which database framework? Have you check Java / .NET / PHP database frameworks in my before link? It is to be sure it is supported by Dynatrace.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl


.net, CLR, Microsoft SQL Server and My SQL version is 5.7


Database Framework for .NET is ADO.NET:


Are you using that? If you are using that to connect to database, database services should be discovered.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

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