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Dynatrace activegate standalone installer




   I am building docker image and AMI for active gate. I would like to preinstall the activegate. We would like to keep our environment immutable. But when we run it we would like to pass in env url and token to connect it to particular env. Is there a way to achieve it ?





Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper

What do you intend to use this image for?


We are providing ActiveGate container image that can be fetched from docker registry available on Dynatrace Cluster since 1.209. It's been officially released with a limited scope functionalities, currently K8S monitoring, agent routing. Before you build & use custom image, I'd like to understand your use-case.

I need it for synthetic monitoring for private urls. 

Dynatrace Enthusiast
Dynatrace Enthusiast

We are working on providing Synthetic container image. Unfortunately I can't provide release date yet.

Thanks @Piotr_Krasuski . Until then is there a way to get the installer image but not tied to workspace ? 

Dynatrace Enthusiast
Dynatrace Enthusiast

Do you mean Synthetic Engine or ActiveGate installer? What kind of monitors you want to execute, HTTP or Browser?

I want synthetic engine for private urls. I would like to execute both browser and http monitor. 

Dynatrace Enthusiast
Dynatrace Enthusiast

As for starting Activegate docker image, probably @Lukasz_Halman can help you here. Executing HTTP monitors can be still achieved without Synthetic Engine (only AG), but SE is required for Browser monitors, and as for now, it might not be easy to install and run SE within docker container.

AG container image can be run with "--help" which will present supported parameters. From there it should be pretty straightforward.

Hello @Lukasz_Halman 

Do you have a link to the image, I couldn't find it on dockerhub

Sorry for late reply. ActiveGate image is available from your tenant environment url.


Please follow official doc:


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