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Dynatrace losing request parameters after enabling bizevents


After enabling the request body using any json key or even * according to the documentation, the APIs stop responding, the parameters do not reach the API.

The error only happens when using Request Body, any other parameter works correctly.


Message after enable capture request body:

A non-empty request body is required.


Azure Web Apps with OneAgent Version:

Dotnet 6.0

Dynatrace Biz Events


Dynatrace Pro
Dynatrace Pro

Hi @phmonte,
I recommend you that if you find an impediment in the configuration of bizevent for .NET, use the Support portal. The agents will help you with more detail, for example asking for images, logs, and any other file that helps to identify and reproduce your problem. Here, the community will help too, but could be answered in hours or maybe days. 

-César S. -

Dynatrace Pro
Dynatrace Pro

Hi @phmonte,
What happens when you enable the configuration of bizevent?
Your application is not working? Do the captured events contain empty values on the request body variable?
Could you share with us a screenshot of the error you refer to?

-César S. -


Thanks for responding @cesarsaravia 

The oneagent log file does not save any error or action information other than conventionally.

I made a drawing to show what is happening.


Remembering that the error only happens with the Request Body, the other options are working correctly.


Hi @phmonte 
Did you enable the feature flag of capturing .net bizevents? If yes, do you restarted the Asep.Net application?



-César S. -

Yes, it is enabled and I tried restarting it again.
I tested with other apps (another OneAgent/Webapp) and I have the same problem.



DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

@phmontedid you got any update on this?

I am suspecting I am facing the same issue.

Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl

So far, no updates @dannemca 


The problem is not resolved, but an alternative is to disable Webserver Business Events [Opt-In].
A ticket was opened, as soon as it was updated by the dynatrace team, I updated it here with the response.






I'm also having this problem and have been working with support to resolve. Can update this thread if/when we get to a resolution.

Observability Engineer at FreedomPay


I suspect I've just come across this problem with .Net as well. Has anyone had an update?

Also, does this problem only occur with .Net, or have people experienced this with other technologies, such as JAVA?

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

.Net here too..

Technologies: .NET (.NET Core, ADO.NET (System.Data.Common 4.700.22.56512), ASP.NET Core (3.100.3222.56610), IIS App Pool (10.0.1776 .NET (.NET Core, ADO.NET (System.Data.Common 4.700.22.56512), ASP.NET Core (3.100.3222.56610), IIS App Pool (10.0.17763.1), MSSQL Client (4.700.20.6702)
Service technology types: ASP.NET CORE, IIS, IIS app pool, DotNet

Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl


Just to update everyone, the dynatrace team activated some debug logs and sent the files for analysis, as soon as they respond, I will update you,

For now I'm with the paleative solution.


I've been told that a fix for this is in the upcoming OneAgent release of version 1.281, expected end of December.

Observability Engineer at FreedomPay

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

I got the same reply on my ticket... in release notes, there is no direct mention for this fix:

and no ETA so far.

Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl


I believe it would be this item:

The request body is no longer stripped away when a Business Event rule to capture the request body is set. (OA-25428)

I haven't tested it yet, as soon as I test it I'll let you know if it worked.

Yep, they did update the release notes last week. My env is still in 1.279 (OA), when ready, I will test it too.

Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Just upated to 1.281 and issue is solved. Capturing anything with no 400 error anymore.

Note, the OneAgent should be updated in host and also in the process, so a restart is needed.

Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl

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