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Elapsed time for processes


Is there a option for monitoring elapsed time for job, processes in linux? 

We need to discover a zoombies jobs and processes to apply some command to stop.

In the explorer data it is not posible to see.

Can you explain o show me how?


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi @Jachavez,


I think there is not a bulit in function for it. 


I would try two things :

1. Check this feature at linux part (maybe failed status can be used). OS services monitoring | Dynatrace Docs

2. Write a custom one agent extension for this special requqest. OneAgent extensions tutorial | Dynatrace Docs


Maybe other community members have better ideas.


I hope it helps.


Br, Mizső


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

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