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Email Alerts for Agent Updates in Maintenance Windows


We have a use case where we have configured maintenance windows for when a specific host groups OneAgents are to be updated. This is to occur quarterly.


Just so this isn't forgotten by the specific application support team, is there a way to configure an email alert to communicate that the OneAgent will be updated in x days?


The ultimate solution would be to give an email alert 1 week before the update, 1 day before the update, and the day of the update.


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Interesting ! even I would like to know about this, it could help on setting reminders. 

A work around could be an meeting invite gets trigger to list of user about the schedule maintenance window by any user in Dynatrace. This should be feasible.



Seems that there weren't a lot of replies. I would have thought this would be important functionality for teams in large businesses with many critical applications managed by many different business units.

I did develop a workaround which involves adding maintenance windows to a Sharepoint calendar and using Power Automate it's able to send out email alerts when required.

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Great! can you provide more details how you integrated it? did you use Dynatrace api to read the event logs and generate a trigger to SharePoint?

Also raise this as a product idea, having this feature as default alert will be really helpful. Also and alert on completion of maintenance window  to respective owners.