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Enable Maintenance Windows on specified Management Zone


Hi all, 

Need your advise on my use case:

  • Process ABC group under MZ A and MZ B
  • Setup daily maintenance windows from 2am to 2.15am as Process ABC having daily restart.

If there any way the maintenance windows only effect on MZ A which means MZ B will receiving problems notification as usual?

Thanks in advance for your advise!



DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi @KK_Lim,

Have you tried this filter?


I hope it helps.

Best regards,



Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Hi @KK_Lim,

Just for clarification, what do you mean that the same process group is added to two management zone, am I right?

as far as I know, it will not work that way, for example: if you choose to disable problem detection and added management Zone A only in the management zone same as @Mizső mentioned,  no problem will be detected in Management Zone B as well because the logic works on the entity itself which is the process in your case and the same will be for other options such as detected problem but don't alert, even in case you have created two different alerting profiles for management zone A and B, you will not get notified for both. 

of course, you can test this approach further, and if not applicable you can raise an idea for this if it will be applicable.

Best Regards,


Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services Delivery - Observability & CloudOps | Dynatrace Partner -

Hi @Mohamed_Hamdy 

Yes, agree with you that maintenance windows doesn't work that way.

The management zone filter suggested by @Mizső is work as filter to select targeting entities.


Once again, thanks guys for your replies. Cheers!

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