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Environment ActiveGate installation failing with "collector.state not found"




This is in the context of Installing an Environment ActiveGate on Linux .

The goal is to monitor remote technologies with extensions. 

The Activegate installation fails with the message -  "/var/log/dynatrace/gateway/collector.state not found".

The Host is behind a proxy, and the relevant endpoints have been Allowlisted.


Excerpt from the Installer log (dynatracegateway-install_20240909-221909.log) captured below


2024-09-09 22:21:15 UTC PROPERTY_LINE IS <force_update = true>
2024-09-09 22:21:15 UTC Adding to an existing section...
2024-09-09 22:21:15 UTC One-time module downloading has been activated
2024-09-09 22:21:15 UTC Fresh installation of Dynatrace ActiveGate. Removing old configuration files of installed capabilities.
2024-09-09 22:21:16 UTC Successfully executed: systemctl daemon-reload
2024-09-09 22:21:16 UTC Starting Dynatrace Gateway...
2024-09-09 22:21:17 UTC Successfully executed: systemctl start dynatracegateway
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC /var/log/dynatrace/gateway/collector.state not found
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC Timeout waiting for connection to server https://xyz:443/communication,,
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC Starting Dynatrace ActiveGate AutoUpdater...
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC Successfully executed: systemctl start dynatraceautoupdater
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC Checking if Dynatrace ActiveGate AutoUpdater is running ...
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC Dynatrace ActiveGate AutoUpdater is running.
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC Cleaning autobackup...
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC Stopping Dynatrace Gateway...
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC Successfully executed: systemctl stop dynatracegateway
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC One-time module downloading has been deactivated
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC Reading property (/var/lib/dynatrace/gateway/config/[autoupdate]:autoupdate_signature_check)
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC Reading property [autoupdate]:autoupdate_signature_check=<>
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC Reading property (/var/lib/dynatrace/gateway/config/[autoupdate]:autoupdate_signature_check)
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC Reading property [autoupdate]:autoupdate_signature_check=<true>
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC There are no AG capabilities to install.
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC Removing installation packages:
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC The following problem(s) encountered:
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC ERROR: Failed to connect to server to download additional capabilities.
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC
2024-09-09 22:23:20 UTC Successfully executed: systemctl stop dynatracegateway
2024-09-09 22:23:21 UTC Successfully executed: systemctl stop dynatraceautoupdater
2024-09-09 22:23:22 UTC Successfully executed: systemctl disable dynatracegateway
2024-09-09 22:23:24 UTC Successfully executed: systemctl disable dynatraceautoupdater
2024-09-09 22:23:25 UTC Successfully executed: systemctl daemon-reload
2024-09-09 22:23:25 UTC To re-try the installation, first uninstall Dynatrace ActiveGate as user 'root', using command '/opt/dynatrace/gateway/', then repeat the installation.
2024-09-09 22:23:25 UTC Installation failed.







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