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Exclude info events for deployments

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Is it possible to exclude certain deployment events or changes to files for a specific process or host?

Every time there is data sent to a POS device, Dynatrace detects the change to the file as a deployment, but the client feels that it is adding unnecessary 'noise' to the monitoring and makes it more difficult for them to filter out actual code deployment changes. I couldn't find anything in the documentation but perhaps I'm not looking in the right place? 🙂


See the example below of these data sending events, which are detected as deployment changes.





Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

Hey Andre, there isn't a way to reduce information sent to this. We can add a few things, but reducing the info isn't something that can be done. Hopefully you can ignore the extra noise, as Dynatrace shows crashes, restarts, and other events separately. But, for these info events, you cannot exclude them.


Thanks - 



Hi @bobby_crumley, thanks for responding and confirming that there currently isn't a way to do this.

When you say "we can add a few things", do you mean adding more monitoring of files related to a process and if yes, how would that be done?




Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

Hi Andre- 


We can add context such as deployment steps from Jenkins, ServiceNow, Ansible, and the like. See the Jenkins information as an example. This is all done via the API.


Thanks - 


Bob Crumley

Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

Here is more information on posting general events via API: 

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Ah yes, I'm aware of these options, I thought you meant directly via monitoring of the process and/or related files.

Thanks for sharing anyway, perhaps it might help someone else in the future 🙂


I also was looking for a way to exclude the default "Deployment" events, so this thread was helpful in letting me know I don't currently have that option.


Our use case is that we use a blue/green deployment model and every time we switch from blue to green, every jsp that gets hit shows up as a new deployment, when that is decidedly not the case. I'm guess this has something to do with how Dynatrace keeps track of timestamps of the files. We would like to turn off the default deployment tracking for some services/host and just use the events api to do our own deployment tracking. As of now, though, the default deployment tracking is useless in our case and just contributes a lot of noise.


Is there any way to make a feature request to have the option exclude certain events from the feed, such as default deployment tracking?

Hi @TheEllis !

You can create a Product Idea in this subforum: Dynatrace product ideas.

Just click on the "Suggest an idea" button, follow the guidelines from the widget at the top and post your feature request, so others can comment and vote on it 🙂 

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