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How do I use the Host Coverage section of the Discovery & Coverage App?

Community Team
Community Team

While using the Discovery & Coverage App, I'd like to know what are the guidelines for the Host Coverage section utilization.


Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

At the top of the screen there is a bar chart showing your overall cloud coverage. Below you can see for each public / private / hybrid cloud whether there are unmonitored hosts and unmonitored clouds. Once you connect Dynatrace to your cloud environments, Dynatrace discovers all your hosts in that environment.

If you install OneAgent on a host, we also discover which cloud it is a part of; and, if you don’t already have the cloud connected to Dynatrace we alert you to the unmonitored cloud.

The recommended action is provided in the large button for each cloud. Alternatively, the context menu (3-dots) next to the button provide a range of other actions. Also, if you just want to install a single OneAgent, you can always click the Plus sign at the top right of the app.

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