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How does purepath work? Does it affect the performance and stability of the application?


How does purepath work? Does it affect the performance and stability of the application?By the way, my application uses tomcat and nginx


Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

Purepaths work by analyzing distributed tracing and code-level analysis with user experience data, technology such as OpenTelemetry, and code-level analytics.

When requests are sent through to Dynatrace, essentially the distributed traces are captured by the Dynatrace OneAgent and ingested OpenTelemetry traces. More on this can be found via the following link:

Regarding performance and stability, since it is a requirement of the OneAgent to be instrumented on the host to ingest these metrics, the overall resource consumption and overhead should be low. 

Dynatrace ACE Services Consultant

How the one agent analyzes my java application? Most of other APM use java agent to modify code and produce traces, but I couldn't see any java agent in Dynatrace.


Dynatrace has one agent for all technologies, name "OneAgent" is for that.

They explain how agent works here.

Best regards

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