20 Oct 2021
03:31 PM
- last edited on
25 Oct 2021
09:18 AM
Hello Team ,
Instead of doing netstat on AG Server to check how many agents are reporting at that point of time to that ActiveGate Server.
Is it feasible to check how many DT one agents are reporting to particular ActiveGate from DT SaaS tenant/GUI ?
Thanks in Advance !!
Solved! Go to Solution.
21 Oct 2021 07:34 AM - edited 21 Oct 2021 07:35 AM
Hi Eswari. In general you should not need to do or know this. Our support teams can see this if it ever is necessary in the course of a support ticket. ActiveGates are automatically HA, meaning if you have two and one goes down or is over-utilised, the agents will automatically failover to the second. In addition, OneAgents will periodically move between ActiveGates (within a zone [see below]).
However, it sounds like you might be interested in the network zones feature. This lets you segment your ActiveGates and OneAgents according to your requirements. For example, if you specify that an ActiveGate (AG) is in "zone1" then you can install OneAgents with a --set-network-zone=zone1 flag. OneAgents in this zone will only talk to AGs in zone1.
To view your topology, go to Manage > Deployment Status > Network Zones
Further info on Network Zones is here: https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/setup-and-configuration/network-zones/
21 Oct 2021 01:34 PM
I'm rather puzzled by your statement:
"In general you should not need to do or know this."
I'd hope that Dynatrace wouldn't assume what their Users do or do not need to know. This information was fully accessible in AppMon and I also note that it has now recently been added as a new feature in the information the AGs display in the Deployment Status page.
There are a great many self-monitoring black holes in Dynatrace SaaS and all information should be shared to help improve the product.
11 Apr 2023 08:05 PM
I am 100% in agreement with the statement "In general you should not need to do or know this."
Maybe we need this for change control? Maybe we need this because we are trying clean/reorganize our environments because multiple hands have been in the environment. There are reasons to know what is going on despite what Dynatrace may happen to say. Just consider that some food for thought.
21 Oct 2021 02:45 PM
Hello Eswari,
you could use REST API /api/v1/oneagents
there are fields currentActiveGateId and currentActiveIds (A list of ActiveGate IDs of ActiveGates to which OneAgent is currently connected).
ActiveGateId is represented as long and hex number. You should use currentActiveIds (hex number)
For example:
jq -r ".hosts[] | [ .hostInfo.displayName,.currentActiveGateId,(.currentActiveGateIds | join(\",\")) ] | @tsv " oneagents.json
d2j.ttt.com 462588410 0x1b9289fa
ci.ambit.tempest.test 1443825187 0x560f0623
You could get list of yours active gates also from REST API - /api/v2/activeGates
ActiveGateId is in hex format.
jq -r ".activeGates[] | [ .id,.hostname ] | @csv " ag.json
But the list does not contain Dynatrace active gates for SaaS deployment
Kind regards,
21 Oct 2021 04:22 PM
Yes, having this information, especially over time, might be interesting.
You're probably concerned about traffic management, so you might use the new dsfm: metrics, that you can even put in a nice Dashboard:
24 Jan 2022 03:41 PM
Hi, @Eswari ,
Your question is quite similar to @jean_louis_lorm's Product Idea, so I'll update you as well 🙂
What you're looking for is currently possible! 😄
I described it in detail on this "Tips and Tricks" post, so feel free to check it out:
Hope it helps!
24 Jan 2022 04:10 PM
This is possible now using API too:
13 Apr 2023 12:20 PM
Have you seen this tip? It addresses your use case exactly: https://community.dynatrace.com/t5/Dynatrace-tips/List-of-Hosts-connected-to-an-ActiveGate/td-p/1792...