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How to create a personalized group of process to see the resources consumption in detail?


Hi, I followed all the steps in to create a custom process group, but it didn't work.

Actually, my environment has been gotten problems with CPU consumptions and more than 60% of this resourse usage is taken by "other" process that Dynatrace doesn't sort automatically. So I created the custom groups, but all the process that I set (like monitoring, backup, etc) is still labeled as "other process".


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Did you make restart of those processes after process group definition?


Regards, Sebastian

Hi Sebastian. Thanks for the answer. Now, I restarted both oneagent and some of the personalized process, but all of them is still shown as other process. What a think too strange is the low level of cpu usage by oracle reported and the high cpu usage by these "other process"".When I see the resources consumption locally in the OS, I got a higher usage for Oracle, specially for the clients and web/application server connections that aren't local.

Rise support ticket than. This has to have some explanation

Regards, Sebastian

This just means the consumption is still by a process that is not being directly known.

For CPU or RAM usage Dynatrace shows just known processes and everything else is "Other processes". Including kernel processes.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

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