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Is there any metrics which can show OS Services availability in %?


I was creating dashboard for OS Service availability but didnt find any metrics which can show availability in %. Please let me know if there a way to get it.




Dynatrace Professional Certified


You can create a process availability in your environment, so you can define metrics about this.

Take a look on this documentation

Dynatrace Professional Certified


@natanael_mendes thanks for your message but i am already capturing all OS Services. My question to see availability in %. I have gone through same page but no luck in terms of %.

Dynatrace Professional Certified

You can make through data explorer, like in the image below



Dynatrace Professional Certified

I am not talking about Process, I am talking about OS Service.OS_Service.png

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process was just an example

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DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


You can check all OS Services metrics here.

I do not see that available. You can raise a product idea.

Best regards

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@AntonPineiro make sencse. I will raise a product idea on this. Thanks for sharing the link.



Dynatrace Professional Certified

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Hello @tijust1 ,

you can open product idea as suggested by @AntonPineiro 

also, you can use a workaround that might help you by using the advanced mode with entity selector and the following is a sample, as you know that each os service availability create custom device you can get the custom device id of the os service from the url after access it.

the following is a sample, by the way, you can create this automatically and then adjust it based on the configured status of the service (dt.osservice.status) you go to the os service on the host and pin it to a dashboard then reconfigure the data





for more details you can check the following link

Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services Delivery - Observability & CloudOps | Dynatrace Partner -

@Mohamed_Hamdy Thanks for your reply, yes i was using similar advance query but bit different way. 



Your query appears more accurate as it provides the result in percentage, unlike mine, which presented numbers without the '%' symbol. I appreciate your assistance. The only drawback with this  approach is the need to go through each service individually, which is quite cumbersome, especially with over 200 services in my environment...



Dynatrace Professional Certified

Hi @tijust1 ,

you can use prefix instead of eq to list all the services same as the following sample, of course, you can adjust the whole query to get a correct result, I've just updated the option to replace eq() with prefix()


(builtin:osservice.availability:filter(prefix("dt.entity.os:service",CUSTOM_DEVICE-)):filter(or(eq("dt.osservice.status",running),eq("dt.osservice.status",active))):sum:auto:sort(value(sum,descending))/builtin:osservice.availability:filter(prefix("dt.entity.os:service",CUSTOM_DEVICE-)):sum:auto:sort(value(sum, descending)):splitBy()*100):setUnit(Percent):splitBy("dt.entity.os:service")

Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services Delivery - Observability & CloudOps | Dynatrace Partner -

Hmm... but it doesn't give desired result ... if i go one by one os-service then it shows 100% but if i  go for all then different


Dynatrace Professional Certified

Yes, i just added it as sample, but you can use the following one

(builtin:osservice.availability:filter(prefix("dt.entity.os:service",CUSTOM_DEVICE-)):filter(or(eq("dt.osservice.status",running),eq("dt.osservice.status",active))):sum:auto:sort(value(sum,descending)):splitBy("dt.entity.os:service")/builtin:osservice.availability:filter(prefix("dt.entity.os:service",CUSTOM_DEVICE-)):sum:auto:sort(value(sum, descending)):splitBy("dt.entity.os:service")*100):setUnit(Percent)

Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services Delivery - Observability & CloudOps | Dynatrace Partner -

Note: adjust it based on the dt.osservice.status you've configured for the OS services

Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services Delivery - Observability & CloudOps | Dynatrace Partner -

I've just added more details such as split by host as well, and sort by value ascending and adding limit

(builtin:osservice.availability:filter(prefix("dt.entity.os:service",CUSTOM_DEVICE-)):filter(or(eq("dt.osservice.status",running),eq("dt.osservice.status",active))):sum:auto:sort(value(sum,descending)):splitBy("","dt.entity.os:service")/builtin:osservice.availability:filter(prefix("dt.entity.os:service",CUSTOM_DEVICE-)):sum:auto:sort(value(sum, descending)):splitBy("","dt.entity.os:service")*100):setUnit(Percent):splitBy("","dt.entity.os:service"):sort(value(auto,ascending)):limit(100)

Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services Delivery - Observability & CloudOps | Dynatrace Partner -

@Mohamed_Hamdy It worked perfectly now.. thank you so much for your help.

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