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Monitoring activeGate

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader


Is it useful to have a dynatrace agent active on your activeGates?

KR Henk


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

I think not. License isn't free in such case, Active Gate isn't component with high resources consumption. You will not have extra business value as well.


Regards, Sebastian


If I don't install an agent how do I monitor/alert on an Active Gate if there is a problem? I am asking because we had such an issue yesterday where it suddenly went to 99% CPU and lost connectivity to our clout environment

The cheapest idea I have is writing custom ActiveGate plugin which will send performance metrics from AG to Dynatrace. In Dynatrace you will have Custom Network Device which will gather metrics of your choice. Then you can setup custom thresholds on those metrics to get alerted. As I know there are some plans about self monitoring with option to view it in Dynatrace itself but I don’t know when it will be available and if it will cover ActiveGates as well.


Regards, Sebastian


EDIT 2024: I will edit this reply, since a lot have change since 2019.

Now with DSFM info for activegates we have all the information that is needed. So installing OA even in Discovery Mode has no additional value. Any other requirement? We build our own datasource with snmp or stastd if needed.


We have 4 Active gates for our prod tenant and one for our QA tenant, plus the cluster activegate.

We have all of them with oneagent in infra mode, since getting info about the process and host is more than enought for us.




Services Solution Engineer @PowerCloud - Observability/CloudOps Certified / Former SE @Dynatrace.


I made a product idea post about this very thing. ActiveGate Monitoring for SaaS customers - Dynatrace Community

Observability Engineer at FreedomPay

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