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My Feedback (And Appreciated yours) on the new Support tickets Feature


Hello All,

(I compare this with the previous Support).


This is to give my own opinion to the new feature of Support tickets.


I find this new feature so bad and very less friendly comparing the previous one.


- We cannot Edit our initial message: If there is error or mistake --> Too bad for whoever opened the ticket.

- Uploading Images in the body of the message is not allowed --> the tool to import images crashes very often.

- Now I'm not able to see all the tickets of my colleagues (who are in the same organization as me).

- It will be better also to register the different Environment in the Environments lists with a small tag ... to be able to select quickly the one that we need mostly when we work with several clients.

- I also regret a great option we had before
it is the fact of being able to export all our tickets to a word, csv, or other file ...


I may have forgotten a few points, I will (if you allow it) modify this post to add more.


Thanks to read me.

Have a good day.

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DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi @Malaik check this thread there are some good inputs 



dynatrace certificated professional - dynatrace master partner - Matrix Soft Ware Division - Israel

Ok Thank you so much.

A research before posting this post would have been relevant.


Good day.

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