Hello, the metrics you can collect from the Oracle DB extension are the following:
Metrics collected:
- CPU cores
- Background CPU
- Background CPU usage per core
- Foreground CPU
- Foreground CPU usage per core
- Host CPU usage
- Host CPU usage per core
- Foreground CPU usage per core
- PGA aggregate limit
- PGA aggregate target
- PGA used for work areas
- PGA memory used
- Allocated PGA
- Shared pool free
- Redo log space wait time
- Redo size increase
- Redo write time
- Buffer cache hit ratio
- Sorts in memory ratio
- Target to limit ratio
- Logical reads
- Physical reads
- Physical reads direct
- Sorts in memory
- Sorts on disk
- Library cache hit ratio
- Physical read bytes
- Physical byte written
- Total wait time
Query execution
- Connection management time
- PL SQL exec time
- SQL exec time
- SQL parse time
- DB Time
- Time spent on other activities
- Total space
- Free space
- Used space
- Used space ratio
- Active Sessions
- Total sessions
- User calls
- Sessions limit
- Sessions to limit ratio
- Processes limit
Wait states
- Number of wait events
- Seconds waited
- ASM - Free space
- ASM - Total space
- ASM - Used space
- ASM - Reads
- ASM - Writes
The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.