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Problem reappear after closure


One of the main challenges that we face in Dynatrace alert escalations is that when a particular problem reappears after closure, the GUI shows duration of the previous initial time of alert triggering of the day


Community Team
Community Team

Hi @Jivan,

As we're still waiting for the reply from the rest of the Community, here are some resources that maybe could help:
-Here is a Community thread about how to prevent alerts on known problems

-You can also check out our documentation about anomaly detection and how to set it up accordingly to your needs.

If you would like to change something in the feature itself and how it behaves (like the duration of the alert in the GUI), you can always post a Product Idea about it, and we'll tag it to the proper Product Manager to take a look at it.

If you have any questions about the Community, you can contact me at

Dynatrace Organizer
Dynatrace Organizer

For process unavailable alerts, if you hit "close problem" on the problems page, the problem will re-open after a few minutes. However, if you navigate to the process itself and hit "confirm and close," it won't re-open. 

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