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Question about sql server plugin



Quick question: In order to monitor an SQL server database, oneagent has to be installed in the db server itself? or It can be installed in a windows server that remotely monitors the db specifying credentials with the correct permissions?

Thanks in advance.

Antonio V.


Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

OneAgents on the calling hosts will allow you to monitor the calls that are made to the database hosts and their performance so you can see if things are slowing down or failing (returning exceptions etc...). If you want to monitor the health of the database server itself you'd need to install a OneAgent on that host - infrastructure only mode might be enough.

I haven't heard anything like what you describe which sounds like the Database agent in AppMon. Maybe post an RFE/Idea if you think that'd be valuable.



That's what I thought. Thank you very much.

Antonio V.


Still, health of sql queries are monitored from or other sql drivers and its not the plugin. The question is what is MS SQL plugin in Dynatrace

The MS SQL plugin queries performance metrics from the SQL Server itself. Additionally by having a OneAgent running (in infrastructure only mode) on the SQL Server Host allows you to collect host performance, process performance, and logs from the host. Dynatrace will also use the host and process details to analyze the root cause of any performance problems detected on the database calls.


MS SQL plugin runs in the OneAgent and it connects to MS SQL locally via pywin32. In order to have infrastructure metrics the OneAgent needs to be install on every MS SQL host. Queries are monitored via deep monitoring modules (Databases position in Dynatrace menu) This is monitoring form application point of view. To gather queries OneAgent needs to be installed on hosts which connects to Database. List of supported languages and drivers is here It is recommended to have OneAgent on both ends.


Hey , I went through lots of post till now regarding the monitoring of databases and about the SQL statements . But I haven't found any solution till now .

My requirement is very clear ,I want the the queries details that executes inside the stored procedures of the databases.

More specifically dynatrace till date can provide the details of methods/stored procedures used by any application . But is it possible to get individual execution time of those queries that get executed inside those stored procedures .Open for discussion and I'm working on such plugin that can resolve my problem .

Kindly give your suggestions and feedback...

Unfortunately there is no options for such monitoring. Queries are only visible from application endpoint so we can see only one was send by and what returned.


Regards, Sebastian


after installing SQL server database, oneagentcan what kind of information we get?
Can we get information about missing index , unused index , index performance?
Query who is creating bottleneck etc?

Plugin is giving you metrics like locks latches deadlocks, buffercache, page life etc. this is not transaction tracking, only metrics reads from performance counters.


Regards, Sebastian

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