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Request to unmonitored hosts


Hi , Can someone help me understand how is "Request to unmonitored hosts" detected? Is it basis on the code or does oneagent monitor outgoing calls?

I have oneagent running on webservers only. I have not instrumented the appserver. As per my observation the calls from webserver to appserver will not be detected. 

But my client needs a reason why the calls from webserver to appserver not being captured as ' request to unmonitored hosts'.

Thanks in advance!



DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

@Swabh, In most most cases, I would say they are detected when Dynatrace instruments an application/service, in Full-Stack mode, and then tracks outgoing calls from  those applications. In the case where that request doesn't have a corresponding trace/purepath from the side receiving the request, that is considered a "Request to unmonitored hosts" .

There are lots of associated details. For one, you should consider the differences between "Request to unmonitored hosts" and "Requests to public networks". For this latter one:

Also, there are "opaque services":

And it's also possible that HTTP headers are being lost, and that typically cuts the association between both traces, creating "Request to unmonitored hosts" on the calling side.

Antonio Sousa

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