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Split Process Group to each Process with per Host




I want split process group to each Process per host.

My service naming rule running success with process no group, it show: :8081 on k8s-node04

But with process have group it show :8081 on k8s-node04, k8s-node05, k8s-node06


I've try to create rule service detection but it can't split. Can anybody help me!!

per hostper host2024-01-22_14-28-51.pngRule detectionRule detection

[TuanLA123 - Dynatrace Associate Certificate, Dynatrace Professional Certificate]



[TuanLA123 - Dynatrace Associate Certificate, Dynatrace Professional Certificate]

Hi @tuanla123 

It seems to me that you have a badly made process detection rule. Have you tried setting Process group naming rules yet ?


Have a nice day!

I've try show with host but it still show many name of 1 process group. I just want separate per host 



[TuanLA123 - Dynatrace Associate Certificate, Dynatrace Professional Certificate]

I'll look at it later, as I have meetings scheduled now, and I'll let you know:)

Have a nice day!

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

TBH, I'm not sure if this is really what you need. You still have process group instances within the process group which you monitor individually. Unless each instance is in charge of a different set of requests, I'd strongly advise not to split it. If those nginx processes are part of a pool, you want them to be in a single process group.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

I want split it because I want to see each process with its host 

[TuanLA123 - Dynatrace Associate Certificate, Dynatrace Professional Certificate]

You already have the node information there. Where do you miss the host name? On a dashboard?

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

yes, but it contain many node on 1 process group. I want show 1 process with its host like 

nginx:8080 k8s-node.01


[TuanLA123 - Dynatrace Associate Certificate, Dynatrace Professional Certificate]

You can get the host name using the :parents transformation, see this example:


Is this what you want?

The process group represents an application "cluster" of processes. If the nodes are functionally equal and process the same workload, it should be the same process group.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

oh, So is there any way to handle that?

[TuanLA123 - Dynatrace Associate Certificate, Dynatrace Professional Certificate]

@tuanla123 yes you can split it still using process group detection rules for example as stated above. 


Anyway, I still believe the same k8s workload should be within one process group so you can look at it as a cluster of nginx processes.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

can you guide me to create the rule ? 


[TuanLA123 - Dynatrace Associate Certificate, Dynatrace Professional Certificate]

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