24 Oct 2018
07:28 PM
- last edited on
10 Dec 2021
05:33 AM
When trying to create a memory dump, I am receiving an error: Disk free space is too low, destination folder: /opt/dynatrace/oneagent/log/memorydump/20181024132657_127425. I've checked the available storage on /opt, and it is 5.31GB. Should this be enough storage space for the memory dump? If not, how much space is required?
24 Oct 2018 07:54 PM
It depends on how big the memory dump is. Admittedly I haven't dug into this area much but for instance if the process is using 8GB of memory at the time the dump is captured it would need at least 8GB of space to store that dump.
15 May 2019 04:03 PM
My dump path has 11GB of free space, "my" system is using 6GB of memory and creating a .hprof of 200MB.
Im facing the same problem as @John L., I can't download the file due to disk space limitations.
Is there any requirement of use or disk space recommendation?
Caio M.R.
27 Jun 2023 07:20 PM
We are experiencing the same or a similar issue where we have more than sufficient disk on a container and host and the memory dump fails for .NET core application process. We end up with a "summary.json" file on the directory path:
"status": "DotNetHeapDumpController::createMemoryDump failed: 'IllegalStateException: Not enough free disk space (1108017152bytes available \/ 1366358528bytes needed) for memory dump at ..\/..\/..\/..\/..\/..\/..\/native\/special\/dotnet\/libdotnetagent\/src\/main\/cpp\/technology\/dotnet\/DotNetHeapDumpController.cpp:64 at void technology::dotnet::checkAvailableDiskSpace(const agent::Agent&, const string&)'",
"agentType": "dotnet",
"agentVersion": "",
"installerVersion": "",
Has anyone found out anything else related to disk space issues with memory dumps?