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Capture session property from CSS element after XHR and repaint in browser


Hello Fellow members,


After retrieving the response of  a XHR request, the response is interpreted and then the result is painted on the screen. The XHR action is the last activity in the session.

We want to capture the innertext of a CSS element after the paint in a session string property (last value).

This way we can check via the session property if there were unexpected values on screen.


Currently we only see the value the element has as soon as the XHR response comes in.


Any member that can shed a light on this one?


Dynatrace Enthusiast
Dynatrace Enthusiast

Hey there, 

So if I'm correct, capturing Session properties is similar to capturing user tags, as it will only capture it upon page load if it exists or not. 

In your use case, it seems like you only want a capture to happen after a specific XHR and page paints to something else. If you want something to be done like that you'll need to take a manual approach, may I suggest in capturing sessions via dtrum apis?

This way after the XHR calls is made, you can send the property yourself to the cluster?


Kind Regards, 


Thanks Darko for your reply.

We will investigate this opportunity further.

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