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Do OpenKit Sessions that only send Bizevents still get billed as DEM Consumption



Our organization has created an OpenKit library to support bizevent ingestion from Java/Spring applications.

We are trying to understand what the expected DEM billing is if the services are only using OpenKit for its bizevent functionality and not RUM. From what I understand is that bizevents are sent separate from user sessions or actions (lines 142-143

Can anyone please confirm?





DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Correct, DEM is billed per session only. So if you don't have user sessions it's not billed. See or 
Additionally, user sessions with just one user action are not subject to billing.
However, in general, as you mention, the sessions themselves must be established in OpenKit SDK or OneAgent SDK for mobile apps to be able to send out business events using the SDK. You should just not send any user actions from your app not to be billed for DEM consumption.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Thanks for confirming @Julius_Loman 


What about if devs use the WebRequestTracer functionality? We are interested in what kind of outcomes a backend client could achieve with an AppDex score obtained with that object. If a Custom Application Session is sending bizevents AND Web Request data inside beacons would that then be subject to DEM costs?

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