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How to add the fetch URL to the extension?


We've successfully added the Dynatrace RUM extension for Mac, but we are having issues with adding the fetch URL to the extension. Can anyone help with this, please?


Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Could you please provide more details and/or screenshots?

For instance:

  • Where did you add the extension? Chrome / Edge (Chromium)?
  • What do you mean by having difficulty to add the fetch URL? In the browser tab of the extension? Difficulty of getting the fetch URL?

Hi Thomas,

So we manage all apple devices via JAMF pro, so we would push the extension via JAMF. once the extension has been installed we would need to use a command line to add the fetch URL, so the installation of the extension seems to be fine, however we can't find a command line to added the URL.

Hey Avin, sorry for the late reply.

Today I checked back with the developers and It seems that currently it's not possible to access the command line within Chrome, which is why we don't yet support it. If you've got any other insights on that issue please let us know.

cheers Thomas

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the response. Is there perhaps an alternative way that you would suggest we try with regards to chrome on MAC?

Hi Alvin,

that's maybe worth a look - but we also aren't sure whether it works.

cheers Thomas

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