12 Sep 2019 06:53 AM
12 Sep 2019 08:31 AM
You have to use USQL:
Using such query you can find all sessions that contains particular action according to your needs.
19 Dec 2019 12:14 PM
You can add filter for that particular user action. Refer a screen grab below,
19 Dec 2019 02:49 PM
Hi Monica,
Sebastian is correct, you can do this using USQL. Specifically if you pull data from the usersession table, and check that there is a useraction.name matching the action you are interested in, it will return all user sessions that include that particular action. Here is an example:
SELECT COUNT(*), browserFamily
FROM usersession
WHERE useraction.name = "/easytravel/rest/journeys/"
GROUP BY browserFamily
This will return the count of user sessions, split by browser, that contain the user action "/easytravel/rest/journeys/". Once you get this down you can play around with the metrics you are bringing in to chart exactly what you would like.