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Instrument IOS hybrid app with Cordova Plugin


Hi all, 

we want to monitor android and ios hybrid apps build with ionic using Cordova plugin and we already instrumented the android app using the wizard on where the explained steps are: 

  1. download the plugin
  2. download de .js and add the domains of the web part
  3. compile and build the app for android

Now, how can i instrument the IOS part ? the wizard is a little bit confusing on the IOS part. 

PD: so far i get i must compile the app using IOS in the command instead of android cause all is already done 

Thank you all in advance 


Dynatrace Pro
Dynatrace Pro

Be aware, the URL that you have provided is not the official repository. Official:

There should actually be no difference for iOS. So "ionic cordova build ios", is the way to go.

thank you @matthias_hochri 

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