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JBoss status pending


Good afternoon, community.

We're experiencing an issue while trying to monitor JBoss services. The status remains “pending” despite having restarted the service. Any idea what might be causing this?


Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

The JBoss connection pools extension is a JMX in EF2 extension, and therefore it requires the JMX 2.0 OneAgent feature to be enabled:


Apart from that, make sure to restart the machine and the process after enabling both the feature and the extension. If it's still stuck on Pending, make sure there is actually a JBoss process running on your host and that said process has the required MBeans that the extension fetches, which are under the domain. You can check this with an MBean dump of the process or through the JMX configuration wizard directly in Dynatrace:




Thank you very much, it was a matter of waiting for the services to restart since these services restart at dawn, one more question: what is the difference between the extension: Connection Pools: JBoss and Wildfly, that is, one complements or replaces the other .

They complement each other, as one captures data only for the connection pools to databases and the other captures data related to the application server and its performance.

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