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Kinvey MBAAS Platform - Monitoring


Currently we are working on Mobile App using the next tecnologies Xamarin Froms (Android) and Kinvey MBAAS (mobile backend as a service), we detect some of the interactions on the mobile is not tracking by default instrumentation of the Dynatrace SDK and the request to the backends is null we tryging to inlcude monitoring for the Kinvey code (nodejs) and add libraries and flags to get better understand of the application.

1. We detect that mobile dont track the web request to backend.

2. We want to tracking the Kinvey MBAAS request for NodeJS and MongoDB code, called Flex Services, Rest APIs, could you guide how to integrate the custom API calls to dynatace.



Dynatrace Pro
Dynatrace Pro

What do you expect from the instrumentation? I assume you are talking about the Android Auto-Instrumentation? Did you use our Dynatrace Xamarin package? The problem with Xamarin Forms is that the network logic is for sure contained in some part which is used by both Android and iOS. Because of this structure it is even hard to instrument it manually (As you can't access the platform dependent Agent API - so we need an additional DependencyService here). Auto-Instrumentation is currently limited. The Android Auto-Instrumentor is not able to instrument some .dll files.


We are using Xamarin Forms for Andorid on this case, do you have a roadmap to support on future cases

Hello Gerardo,

using the mobile agent has its limitation with .NET code running in the mono runtime. Anything happening there can not be seen by a native agent. You could however use OpenKit .NET to instrument your app. You can find OpenKit .NET here:

Best regards,



Hi Any news to support kinvey platform

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