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Unsupported Javascript frame works

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Does anybody have experience with unsupported js frameworks? Or are there frameworks I have to look out for wen injecting the monitor script?

KR Henk


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Hi Henk,

I guess your question relates to real user monitoring. The Dynatrace JavaScript code should work with all JavaScript frameworks. Dynatrace real user monitoring offers specific support for some JavaScript frameworks which offers API's for XHR or fetch requests like JQuery, ExtJS or Angular. For these frameworks Dynatrace offers some extra hooking and input detection which helps for getting more visibility. But for most web applications you will get enough details by using the Basic XHR or normal fetch API support. All the UI Frameworks are not relevant as we only capture the input events and XHR or fetch request.

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Hi Alexander,

You guessed right (-; thx for your answer to extend the question is there any javascript type that gives error's. I suppose Google analytics, an other APM frame work or even a obscure java framework in combination with OneAgent could give trouble?

KR Henk

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