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User session export to Splunk

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion



Looking at the records of the export I see below user action parameters:


"name":"loading of page xxxxxx -",

"targetUrl":"https://XXXXXXX/XXXXX/XXX.jsf ",




Can somebody explain what the targetUrl stands for in a load type (assume this is a page load), and is it correct that Dynatrace does not export all web requests belonging to a user action, but just the one?


And which ones?


KR Henk


Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader
its the URL when the action started (where the user clicked, swiped.. etc.) can be another one as when the action ends. This happens when a click on a link on page A triggers a load of page B.

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Hi Thomas,

This makes perfect sense, customer asked why the url visible in splunk was different from the the one(s) visible in the dynatrace waterfall.

In other words they get the user action, but not the related web requests (-;

KR Henk

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Hello Thomas,

It look like sometimes the action end url is send, does this happen when there is no context url to use. Or should I look again?

KR Henk

@henk_stobbe Can you please let us know how you are exporting dynatrace user session to splunk.we are trying to do the same but we are not succeded.

For splunk it used HTTP Even collector and it has token as authorization,in dt console we don't see option for adding token.




@mike_simon we are getting below error when trying with the HEC endpoint.

Failed to export data: 500 - SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

we are using dynatrace provide certificate for SSL.






Above means that the certification you receive from the (splunk) endpoint is not trusted. So you have to add this certificate to the trust store.

In other words you have to tell dynatrace that this is save to send the data there.


For more info on how to do this:


KR Henk

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